Friday, August 8, 2008

Have you heard Boylan's song about those seaside girls?

Good on you,

I am blessed to be striking a collection plastic keys carefully placed upon an aluminum bedding in order to convey a message that I pray finds you and all associates well.  In preparation of constructing this message I ran approximately three miles which was then followed by the consumption of two ice cold Coca Colas which then caused quite a disruption within my lowers.  I will call this disruption, cramps.  I have also realized that consuming carbonated beverages after this rather dazzling display of physical exertion and stamina is comparable to the nauseating effects of an exorbitant amount of white wine and the latter episodes of Sex and the City Season Four.  (Thank you one Miss Opatut for giving myself the ability to arrive at this conclusion).

If people other than my close relations should find themselves reading this message I must now give the purpose of this "blog".  (A term that I have never found myself to be in agreement with being that the term sounds similar to an amoebic creature which may be found on a distant planet or within Rosie O'Donnell's trousers.)  Nonetheless, I digress.  The purpose of this "blog" is to journal and reflect upon a period of time in which I will be creating some compositions of music.  I am creating this work under the name of Camden.  A rather stark and urban place of living which is located in the South Western section of the Garden State whose incorporation's date is shared with my day of my birth.  We share the sign of the Aquarius. These compositions will be compiled into an album which will be self-released both digitally and physically.  The album is nameless at this moment but will be given a proper name in due time.  The release date, right now, is flirting between the end of December and the beginning of January.  I for one do not agree with these dates but I am under certain time restraints.

Now that this said purpose has been discussed I suppose that the need to relay a brief account of progress or happenings thus far is necessary.  I do not believe it is for boredom for people caring to read this may in sue.  In short, I am recording with an Akai MPD 24, a Moog Synthesizer, some guitars, some glorious bass tones, some software on computers, keyboards etc.  I also encountered a rather considerable setback which involved a "Fatal Kernel Panel System Error" and an iMac desktop.  Yes, your guess is as good as mine.  Nevertheless, all kidding aside I truly enjoy what has been created thus far and I hope you at some point may find yourself doing the same in the near future.  


Jason Michael

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